Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Prohibition in America

I’ve watched a video clip about prohibition in America. Unfortunately, the videos at this site are of poor quality, since they are very old. That’s why I also did a little research on the topic of prohibition.

In January 1920 the 18th Amendment went into force, forbidding the trade, transport and possession of alcohol. This step was meant to create better people, but in fact it encouraged bootlegging, smuggling and the legendary Speakeasies, where liquors were sold illegally. Al Capone got mixed up in these activities and soon got the best known gangster in America. Soon it was clear that the so-called “Nobel Experiment” didn’t work and polls revealed that the Americans wanted back their right to drink whatever they chose. As a result, in 1933 the 21st Amendment went into effect and annulled the Prohibition law.


Here you can find more information on Al Capone, or play Al Capone Jeopardy:

If you are interested in further information on prohibition, there is a whole book about it which is appropriately named: “The Long Thirst” http://www.amazon.com/Long-Thirst-Prohibition-America-1920-1933/dp/0393055574

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